Email marketing has great potential and it's here to stay. But what's effective email marketing and are the results guaranteed? 

Approximately, 347.3 billion emails are sent daily and the figure will reach up to 376 billion by the year 2050. Among those 347.3 billion emails, 61.9% of emails are opened on smart devices. 45% of emails remain unattended because of unknown email addresses. In such a scenario, how can you ensure that your email is being opened or not? 

Sure enough, you need to know better than you currently do about the state of email marketing affairs in 2023. In this article, we'll be clustering some killer insights, into the 7 successful email marketing strategies. Let's dive in! 

Top 7 Successful Email Marketing Strategies

What are they? Here's a sneak peek:

  1. Using the Right Email Marketing Platform
  2. Using an Eye-Catchy Subject Line and Email Personalization
  3. Optimizing Your Email and Adding Relevant Links
  4. Leaving Noreply Email Addresses Behind
  5. Passing 5 Seconds Test
  6. Using Different AI Tools
  7. Offering Incentives and Rewards

 Let's drill down a bit deeper on each strategy to give you a better sense of what they are and how you can implement them. 

Using the Right Email Marketing Platform

Launching an email marketing campaign and not considering any particular platform? Even though you are just starting up and the volume of manageable subscribers is low. Still, there's a dire need to select a platform. There are many good options like Mailchimp, Sender, Brevo, etc. that one can choose for better results. 

These tools are ideal for delivering every essential thing for strong email marketing. From storing and sorting contacts to a variety of options for the best emails. Helping you to determine the highly appealing emails with outstanding CTRs and Conversion rates.

Using an Eye-catching Subject Line and Email Personalization

Using an eye-catching subject line would help you get amazing results. Incorporate the AIDA Formula [Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action] in your emails. Emails designed and crafted on this formula drive astonishing results.

Did you know 82% of people tend to open an email only because it is customized for them? Now it doesn't mean you must always craft unique emails for subscribers; it just means you need to craft them according to the preferences of your subscribers.

There's a significant percentage of brands and businesses that do not follow this specific strategy of personalization. So if you do so, you can surely stand out from the competition.

Optimizing Your Email and Adding Relevant Links

Optimizing emails is necessary and there are a lot of ways to do that. This would require deep research and you need to dig into the wells for desirable results. For instance, you need to look into the complete journey of your customers, their behavior, and their needs. Also, segmenting your emails, adding relevant links, and making them mobile-friendly are a few more things to consider. 

Leaving Noreply Email Addresses Behind

Are you using the ‘'@noreply'' email address in your email marketing? Well, this is negatively impacting your email marketing campaign. Your subscribers and customers will consider it as a sign of poor customer service. Ultimately, they will lose interest in your business.

Instead, open the doors of communication for them via transactional emails. This will give them a valuable opportunity to interact with you and they will find you trustworthy.

Passing 5 Seconds Test

To be clear, your audience is bombarded with hundreds of emails every day. Sometimes they might open them but mostly they ignore and move on. So what would be the best solution for this problem?

The first impression truly matters. Getting the attention of the audience is the first and foremost priority. The marketers use the 5 Seconds Test to check the credibility of their email marketing campaign. This analyzes whether the email catches the attention of the prospects in the early 5 seconds or not.  

Using Different AI Tools

Smart work is also a key to success. Using different AI Writing Generators will assist you in writing creative emails. Every perfect email will help you nail your business identity. AI tools are not only for email writing purposes but you can also utilize them for different other purposes like: 

  • Email personalization to increase CTRs (Click-through-rates) and Conversion Rates.
  • Scheduling the best time to send emails to your subscribers and targetted audience. 
  • Assessing the real-time delivery and other important insights.
  • Adding a newsletter with relevant interest articles for every subscriber in the email. 

Offering Incentives and Rewards

Last but not least, offering different incentives and rewards to your prospects. This will catch the attention of the audience. Also, it is one of the most successful email marketing strategies. So it will surely work for you.

The following are some good ideas for incentives one can use in their business contexts.

  • Sale alert
  • Free shipping
  • Discount codes
  • Free tools and services
  • Free courses and webinars

In a nutshell, email marketing truly delivers results if done appropriately. But in the evolving digital landscape, strategies and audience preferences keep evolving. You need to learn, adapt, and get up to speed with what is working.  

Many factors contribute to the success of email marketing. To get the desirable results from your campaign, using unique and effective email marketing strategies is necessary. The 7 strategies mentioned above may not be all but they are ideal for a start. Implement them and see the magic happen!